From Monday to Friday: 10-30a.m to 5-00 p.m.
Saturday: 10-30a.m to 3-00 p.m.
The following are entitled to enroll themselves as members:
Students of the college / Both teaching and non-teaching staff of the college / Ex-students (alumni)
To get enrolled as a member, a person shall fill and sign enrollment form (only for alumni). He/ she shall get it recommended from the principal of the college.
- All members shall be admitted into the library. Membership identity card will be shown at the counter when requested. Every member shall enter his/her name and membership number in the Reading Room Register.
- A person, who is not member will be admitted into the library only by special permit to be issued by the librarian.
- Sticks, umbrella, boxes and other belongings shall be left at the property counter. Personal books will be allowed only by issuing gate pass from the library staff.
- Silence shall be strictly observed in the library.
- Spitting and smoking are strictly prohibited.
- No person shall damage or disfigure books or other property of the library. A member shall have to replace such books or other property damaged or injured or make payment for the value there of.
- Members must swithch off their mobile phones before entering into the library.
(a) Student | 02 books for 15 days |
(b) Teaching staff including librarian | 20 books for 01 month |
(c) Part-time teacher | 05 books for 01 month |
(d) Non-teaching staff | 05 books for 01 month |
After allowing the membership, library cards are issued to the members of the library. The students receive two type of cards - One is 'Lending Card' and another is 'Reference Card'. The first card is used for home lending and the second card is used for day lending for the Reading Room.
A member who loses a library card shall make a written report to the librarian. A duplicate card shall be issued on payment of fee of Rs.10/- (ten) for each duplicate card after a lapses of two weeks from the date of such a notice.
Members shall be responsible for the misuse of library card(s).
- Before entering Reading Room the member must sign the Register with arrival time.
- To know the library collection, a member may consult library catalogue; either in physical format or in digital format. The strategy of print catalogue search is given in written and pictorial pattern (kept on catalogue cabinet). And the strategy of digital catalogue search is given at the end portion of this bulletin (moreover a pictorial chart is kept on each computer desk). After completion of catalogue search a member will proceed to fill the 'Requisiton Slip' to borrow a book from the library.
- A Borrower shall fill up "Requisition Slip" properly to borrow a book for home issue from the library within 2-30p.m. and deposit it to the circulation counter. The required book(s) will be issued from 3-30 p .m.
- Reading Room issue will be done till 4-15p.m. from Monday fo Friday and till 2-30p.m. on Saturday.
- Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing. Otherwise they shall be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning.
- Reference books, rare books, periodical publications are not ordinarily issued on loan.
- All books on loan shall be returned at the expiry of a fortnight from the date of issue for students, one month for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff.
- Books in special demand may be lent for a shorter period as decided by the librarian.
- Loan may be terminated at any time by the order of the librarian.
- An over dues charge of 50paise per volume per day shall be charged if a book is kept beyoud the period of loan
- Members who repeatedly fail to return books on due date will lose the privilege of membership of the library.
- A book on loan may be reserved for borrowing by others by filling up a be-speaking card.
- Both Loan Card and Reference Card are not transferable.
- The computer will be used for the digital catalogue search (OPAC), internet search (regarding studies) and project preparation relating to B.Ed, course only.
- One member is allowed maximum half an hour in a day for computer use.
- Before using computer the concern member must sign the Register and note the computer use on the Remarks column.
- After entering into the Reading Room he/she must fill up the 'Requistion Slip' (kept on Circulation Table) by mentioning the time for beiginning the computer use and deposit it in Circulation Section with his/her 'Reference Card'.
- A member may use his/her pen drive / CD.; but before opening it must be scanned with antivirus software (installed in computer system).
- A library member may use computer collectively sharing with other members, but not more than three.
- Both the library cards of present students are to be returned at the end of the session and the 'LIBRARY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE' should be collected.
- The best library users (one from male trainees and one from female trainees) of the session will be felicitated by the college library and their names will be published in the college magazine every year.
- A member, who infringes rules, shall be liable to forfeit his privilege of admission to & borrowing of books from the library.
- The cases of misbehaviour or discourtesy by the staff or unwillingness to provide service shall be reported to the librarian immediately.
The library Sub-Committee Comprizes of the following members:
Dr. Rajib Mukhopadhyay, Principal | Ex-officio, Chairman |
Pankaj Kumar Jana, Librarian (SI. Gr.) | Ex-Officio, Convener |
Prof. Dr. Amit Majumder | Member |
Prof. Dr. Malabika Biswas Roy | Member |
Mr. Padmaksha Mitra | Member |
Students' Representative (S.R.) | Member |
The Functions of the library Sub-Committee are as follows:
a) To make proper 'Library Rules and Regulations' |
b) To improve and upgrade the condition of the library and information centre of the college as per requirement. |
c) To take steps for proper utilisation of grants (from U.G.C., State Govt. etc.) |
d) To take proper steps for technical jobs of the library. |
e) To determine principles for purchasing books and journals. |
f) To resolve any grievance in using library by the trainees and staff of the college. |
g) To take steps for improving reading habit among the trainees. |