Principal Desk
The purpose of teacher education is to enhance professional competencies of trainee teachers in various fields. The role of teachers is no longer confined in class room teaching by imparting knowledge only. They need to be thorough professionals, fully equipped with high academic standard, pedagogical skills, ethical and moral values etc. In fact, they have to play a multi-tasking role in the context of various challenges emerging in the field of contemporary society. In this connection, the role of teacher education has also increased many folds. It has special roles to prepare future teachers who are socially responsible and conversant with unique features of cultural heritage and various socio-cultural ethos, have high commitment and the ability to lead society and nations shaping young minds of the learners.
This is also the thrust area of Gandhi Centenary B.T. College. This institution aims at to provide quality service to its students in order to enable them to contribute significantly for development of the nation. This quality service is essential in the modern context of globalization, in particular. Our emphasis is on peace, harmony, acceptance, tolerance, and integrity. We have a firm belief that these enable the teacher educators and teacher trainees to move together to ensure their quality enhancement.